Monday, September 30, 2013

Windows XP Running Slow

Windows XP is one of the most popular operating systems ever launched by Microsoft. This operating system continues to be used still in most corporations rather than using the latest version of Windows. Windows XP is just below Windows 7 in the list of most used Operating systems. Though a great operating system, it gets slow after prolonged use without much maintenance. Over time it accumulates temporary files and other useless data that isn’t required. This slows it down in the long term.
When Windows XP slows down if you do a little maintenance on it, it could probably be sped up by a considerable amount. You can contact support via the Windows support number. Here are a few instructions to solve this problem, though you should always make a backup of the data before cleaning your computer.
Click the Start button which is in the lower left corner of your screen. Navigate to the Control Panel and click on it. This would reveal the Add or Remove Software window. Go through this list one at a time, and remove the programs that you do not use. These programs could be removed by highlighting them in the list and then clicking on the Remove button corresponding. This would clean most of the programs that you have unnecessarily installed on your computer. Sometimes while installing one software another hitches on, with the user not noting any of this. Doing this every once in a while would keep your computer free from rogue programs and applications.
To clean your computer memory, go to My Computer and right click on the drive you would like to clean up. In the context menu, click on the Properties option. This will reveal the Properties window for that particular drive. Select the Disk cleanup button that appears. The disk cleanup utility only removes old log files and partially deleted files from your computer. They do not affect any other files on your computer. Click on the OK button to remove the unnecessary files.
Defragment your computer once in a while to keep your computer up to speed. You can get to this tool by right clicking on your hard drive and selecting Properties. Go to the Tools tab and then click on the Defragment now button. Select the drive you want to defragment and then click the Defragment button.
I hope you were able to speed up your computer by following the above tips. For more support you can contact Windows support via the Windows support number.

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